This is my new business card. It's a lot more simple than my original one. I guess you live and learn, especially about what you personally do and don't like and what is effective. It's a lot harder than you think to do something for yourself. I'm indecisive anyway, so something like this was more difficult than I anticipated. I had to create something that defines me, my business, and how I like to do things. Hmmm. Now how to do that....?
One element in particular is simplicity. A lot of designers have this mentality that if it isn't screaming with crazy things and lots of things that it isn't good. I don't really think that way. Simplicity can really be your best friend when it comes to designing an identity for your company or service or whatever you are trying to promote. People are in a real big hurry these days. They don't have time to sit and read an ad that contains millions of "high" points about your business. Heck, I'm sure they/you/somebody hasn't even read all this! But my point is that people are looking for something easy and quick to read that highlights your very best and strongest points in a simple way.
That's what I've tried to do with my system that identifies me. I hope it worked.
This is a public forum, so I've removed all the personal contact information, except the email address, which is valid, so email me if you are interested in getting some work done!